Brew distillation apparatus "Gorilych" - Country 20/110/t в Ульяновске

  • Brand: ЧЗДА
  • Sku: 74-100-101-102-1010
  • Reward Points: 72
  • Availability: In Stock
7 190 ₽
Price in reward points: 7190
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Main specifications
All specifications
Maximum productivity, l/h: 1
Drain cock: no
Material: Stainless steel
Maximum strength of the drink, %: 60
Safety valve: Option
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The ancient art of moonshine making is reviving today. And this is not surprising, since it is almost impossible to find today really good alcoholic beverages without harmful impurities and dyes in the store. That is why real connoisseurs of good cognac, whiskey, rum and similar drinks will surely appeal to the Gorilych Country 20/110/t moonshine with a wide neck of 110 mm and a distillation cube of 20 liters.

This device is of high quality, because it is produced on high-tech production. The main material for the manufacture of moonshine "Gorilych" Country 20/110/t is a strong food polished stainless steel, which ensures the purity of the taste of the final product and the safety of its preparation.
The moonshine still has a very easy to use large throat 110 mm through which any ingredients can be loaded into the container. Buy, cook, experiment with the recipe - this device will allow you to prepare such alcoholic beverages, the taste of which will be remembered for a long time!

You can buy a reliable moonshine with cheap factory warranty in the online shop of the factory CHZDA. We offer reliable and convenient entry level distillers at very favorable conditions. You will be able to pay the purchase by cash on delivery and in a few days you will begin to comprehend the mystery of moonshining.

Tags: moonshine, distiller's, Gorilych, country, cooler, thermometer

DIMENSIONS (in initial configuration)
Volume of the distillation cube, l 20
The diameter of the throat, mm 110
Maximum productivity, l/h 1
Material Stainless steel
Maximum strength of the drink, % 60
Country of Origin Россия
Warranty of the factory 1 year
The height of the assembly, cm 60
EQUIPMENT (without additional options)
Drain cock no
Safety valve Option
Silicone pad for neck there is
Thermometer, pcs 1 pcs
Cooler there is
Steam-dome no
Ethanol level device no
Hoses for water supply no
The faucet’s adapter for the hose no
The product’s passport/documentation there is
Packing box there is
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с данным аппаратом, термометр идет в комплекте?
АДМИНИСТРАЦИЯ МАГАЗИНА: да, электронный термометр идет в комплекте
Какой диаметр и толщина стенки на трубке холодильника?

Администрация магазина: внешний диаметр трубки змеевика 8 мм, толщина стенки трубки змеевика 1 мм (соответственно, внутренний диаметр трубки змеевика 6 мм)
Алексей Вдовин
Заказ приехал почтой России через неделю в целости и сохранности. После третьей перегонки могу с уверенностью порекомендовать Горилыч Деревенский 20/110/t к покупке! Бак 20 л. с горловиной 110 мм очень удобен (залив, слив, мойка). Соединения сухопарников, охладителя очень легкие, достаточно одного ключа 17х19 (затягивать чуть-чуть). После первоначальной мойки и пропаривания перегнал по-быстрому брагу (4 кг сахара, 400 гр. сырых дрожжей из Магнита, ~16 л воды), я получил 3 л. дистиллята ~60% крепости. Вначале показался резковатым, но после очистки в угольной колонне и разведения до человеческих 40%, пошел на ура и в чистом виде, и на настойки. Потом сбраживал варенье и яблочный сок, результат в виде дистиллята получался разным по количеству и вкусу, но (без всяких оговорок!) интересным. В общем, товарищи, бросаем пить покупное г. и берем качество и количество выпивки в свои руки! Простор для экспериментов огромный! И аппарат вам всем в помощь!
Решил написать отзыв, с благодарностью с производителю и продавцу. Проконсультировавшись с продавцом, приобрел данный аппарат в комплекте с двумя сухопарниками Абрамова. Заказ приехал почтой России через неделю в целости и сохранности. После третьей перегонки могу с уверенностью порекомендовать Горилыч Деревенский 20/110/t к покупке! Бак 20 л с горловиной 110 мм очень удобен (залив, слив, мойка). Соединения сухопарников, охладителя очень легкие, достаточно одного ключа 17х19 (затягивать чуть-чуть!). После первоначальной мойки и пропаривания перегнал по-быстрому брагу (4 кг сахара, 400 гр. сырых дрожжей из Магнита, ~16 л воды), получил 3 л дистиллята ~60% крепости, по времени где-то часа четыре . Варенье и сок дали разный, но в общем, положительный результат. В общем, товарищи, бросаем пить покупное г. и берем качество и количество выпивки в свои руки! И аппарат вам всем в помощь!
Дед у меня опытный самогонщик, но его самодельный аппарат пару месяцев пришел в негодность и дед загрустил. Мы с отцом решили сделать деду подарок и обратились в магазин, консультант нам порекомендовал приобрести Горилыч из нержавейки на 20 литров, так как апарат качественный и на него еще и скидка действует. Доставку осуществили в тот же день. Аппарат деду понравился, но очень долго и неудобно закручивать ушки на крышке.
Primary product maintenance

Unpack the "Gorilych" distiller - Village and remove all packaging materials.
Remove traces of factory treatment with water and detergent and rinse with clean water.
After filling the distillation cube with a small amount of pure water, collect the distiller and boil the distiller for 30 minutes. Disassemble the distiller, drain the remaining water from the still and the cooler.

Regular operation of the product

The volume of the primary wort should not exceed 3/4 of the volume of the still. Use the clarified primary wort, after filtering it from the suspension of fermentation products.
The primary wort is poured through the neck into the still.
The recommended volume alcohol content in the original wort is 10% and higher.
The non-flow cooler coil must be immersed in a suitable container with cold water prior to the start of the distillation process.
Collected distiller "Gorilych" - Village put on the heat source and set the heating power to the maximum value (to reduce the heating time of the still)
When the values on the thermometer reach 75-8°C (the variation is due to the different strength of the primary wort and the measurement error), low-boiling fractions (“heads”) will begin to be distilled. Approximately 1-2% of the volume of the primary wort is selected (if the primary wort is on sucrose) or 2–3% (if the primary wort is on fructose).
Then begins the collection of "body". Do not forget to use a silicone tube to collect the product, in order to avoid unnecessary evaporation of alcohol into the air during collection.
As the alcohol content in the primary wort decreases, the thermometer readings on the distillation still will begin to grow, up to 99 ° C - these are routine indicators.
During the distillation process, it is necessary to measure the volume content of alcohol in the "stream" of the finished product (at a frequency of about 1 time every 30 minutes) by dialing the distillate into a measuring cylinder and measuring its "strength" with an alcohol hydrometer (alcoholometer).
If the readings of the alcohol meter are below 30 - 35% of the volume of alcohol in the "stream" of the distillate, the collection of the "body" should be stopped. This is called cutting off the "tails" (liquid containing in addition to ethyl alcohol, also fusel oils, which give an unpleasant odor, taste, and cloudy color) that remain in the distillation tank.
Watch the water temperature in the tank with the immersed cooler immersed coil - the water temperature value is inversely proportional to the efficiency of the cooler. When the temperature of the water in the tank with the cooler is more than 40 ° C, the efficiency of the cooler is already insufficient for the normal process of condensation of alcohol-containing vapors.
Watch the readings of the thermometer of the distillation cube - if its readings exceed 100°C, turn off the heat source and, after the distiller cools down, disassemble it for an audit to check for clogging.

Regulatory performance *:

For the moonshine apparatus "Gorilych" - Village with a 12-liter distillation cube: approximately 1.7 liters of distillate (in terms of 40% volume alcohol) for 3 hours over the full cycle;
For the moonshine apparatus “Gorilych” - Village with a 15-liter distillation cube: approximately 2.4 liters of distillate (in terms of 40% volume alcohol) for 3.5 hours on a full cycle;
For the moonshine device “Gorilych” - Village with a 20-liter distillation cube: approximately 3.6 liters of distillate (in terms of 40% volume alcohol) for 4 hours on a full cycle;
For the moonshine apparatus "Gorilych" - Village with a 30-liter distillation cube: approximately 4.8 liters of distillate (in terms of 40% volume alcohol) for 6 hours on a full cycle.
For the moonshine apparatus "Gorilych" - Village with a 40-liter distillation cube: approximately 7.2 liters of distillate (in terms of 40% volume alcohol) for 8 hours on a full cycle.

 * Routine indicators may vary depending on the composition and "strength" of the primary wort, the type and indicators of the power of the heating source, the temperature and intensity of cooling, temperature regimes.


To collect the finished product is recommended to use a silicone hose with an inner diameter of 6 mm

Delivery of Gorilych products and related products.

You can buy any stills, brewing and distillation column "Gorilych" in our Internet-shop ChZDA and get your order in Chelyabinsk or in official representative offices in different Russian cities. The list of stores or points of delivery (PWZ) in the Chelyabinsk region is constantly expanding and the actual information on their addresses and office hours you can always find on the interactive map when ordering, or get the information you need from our consultants free by phone 8 (800) 775-90-83.

You choose your own delivery variant.

You can choose a convenient way of delivery of your stills "Gorilych" and other CHZDA products to Chelyabinsk. When ordering, specify the type of delivery and select any delivery point (PWZ) in the list or on the interactive map. We will take care of the rest.

Safe and cautious packing

Before shipping your order each kit of Gorilych stills is carefully inspected for any external defects, wrapped in bubble wrap, carefully and tightly packed in shipping carton and provided with all the necessary documents (bill of lading, passport, warranty card). During the whole process of delivery to Chelyabinsk region we always track the location of your order to notify the buyer on the arrival of the goods to receive them.

Up-to-date information on the location of the order

Due to advanced integration solutions in Chelyabinsk ZDA online store the buyer is always aware of where and at what stage his order is.

Online information in the personal cabinet about the order's progress at all stages;

convenient services on site to track the progress of the order;

Post and SMS-notification of changes in order status and readiness of goods for delivery;

Agreeing on a convenient time of delivery with the courier service.

Look first, pay later

Due to our courier service and long-term cooperation with reliable transportation companies, the customer in most cases (excluding Russian Post) can always open the package upon receipt of the order and make sure that the package is intact and the order is complete. And only if there are no comments, the buyer can pay for the received goods in the store, at the point of delivery or to the courier.

ChZDA store not only offers quality stills and distillers of its own production in Chelyabinsk region, but also the most comfortable, and most importantly, favorable conditions for the purchase in Chelyabinsk. You do not need to solve the question of payment when ordering products from our catalog because you can pay for the stillizer in any convenient way including:

Bank cards MIR, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro;

Payment through a bank branch;

Through a system of electronic money UMoneu;

Payment to the courier at delivery of the order;

Payment at the issuing point;

Payment by cash on delivery at the post office;

We also have unique ways of payment - by accumulated bonuses and a gift certificate. Take part in our promotional actions, accumulate bonus points and get our products with great discount.

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All payments for CHZDA goods are made online through secure service JuMoneu, so you can be sure that all information with payment data is guaranteed to remain confidential and secure and can not be used by unauthorized persons: payment service JuMoneu is protected by PCI DSS - a standard Visa and Mastercard. Payments are credited on the same day.

 We wish you successful purchases!

Note: In order to improve the consumer qualities of the goods, changes may be made without additional approval. Possible changes do not affect the basic properties of the product.

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