Carbohydrate complex bonificator "Yantalak GF" в Ульяновске

  • Brand: Россия
  • Reward Points: 3
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
330 ₽
Price in reward points: 330
Main specifications
All specifications
Compound: Бонификатор
Dosage: 4
Final volume, l: 20
Pieces per pack: 1
Shelf life, days: 540
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Carbohydrate complex of monosaccharides and disaccharides (grape, milk and fruit sugar). It is intended to improve the qualitative composition of various alcoholic beverages - neutralizes the content of harmful impurities and saturates the beverage with safe active ingredients that positively influence the taste and aroma. It was developed jointly with the GNU VNIIPBT. After long tests and tastings, the institute issued a conclusion on the positive effect of this carbohydrate complex on the organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of vodkas and is recommended for use (OTLD-3/174 from 02.12.08).
Thanks to the content of aminoacetic and malic acids maintains a normal balance of acidity and is used to enhance the taste and aroma of the drink. It has the property of protecting red blood cells from the adverse effects of toxins, normalizing cellular metabolism, stimulating the metabolism of the body with alcohol.
The complex also contains lactulose, a disaccharide-prebiotic derived from a whey. Improves the taste of alcoholic beverages, has a number of useful physiological properties: suppresses toxic metabolites (ammonia, scatol, indole, etc.) and harmful enzymes (b-glucuronidase, nitroderductase, azo reductase). It facilitates the course of hepatic intoxication; has an anticarcinogenic effect.
Enjoy the taste of your favorite alcoholic (and strong, and weak) drink without fear of waking up the next morning in frustrated feelings! Thanks to the carbohydrate complex Victoria to achieve this is easy!
The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences issued expert opinion No. 72 / E-272 / and-10 dated 11.02.2010. The product corresponds to the Uniform Sanitary and Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements of the Customs Union and SanPiN
Rospotrebnadzor issued a certificate of state registration RU. dated 13.12.2011.
Declaration of conformity to Technical Regulations TC N RU D-EN.АВ45.B.45596: TR TC 029/2012 "Safety requirements for food additives, flavors and technological aids", TR TC 022/2011 "Food products in terms of labeling." The content of toxic elements in the product does not exceed the permissible levels established by TR 021/2011 "On food safety".
The additive is produced as a dry fine powder. Color from white to dairy. Loose lumps are loose. The taste is from sweet and sour to sweet. Smell with a light milky flavor. Packaging is done in opaque, sealed, metallized bags.
Recommendations for use. Recommended dosage of supplement: 3-7 grams per liter of alcoholic beverage. The drink is ready for use immediately after the addition and dissolution of the additive.
Shelf life - 18 months. Store in a dry, dark place, in non-odor-free rooms, at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° C.

Tags: bonifikator, carbohydrate complex, yantalak gf

Compound Бонификатор
Dosage 4
Final volume, l 20
Shelf life, days 540
Shelf life, days 540
Storage conditions в прохладном месте
Weight of product, g 60
Country of Origin Россия
EQUIPMENT (without additional options)
Pieces per pack 1
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Note: In order to improve the consumer qualities of the goods, changes may be made without additional approval. Possible changes do not affect the basic properties of the product.

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